Get Your Rooted Cuttings Ready for Winter
If you been using my plant propagation system to root cuttings of your favorite plants this summer, it’s time to start thinking about getting those small plants ready for winter. If you haven’t yet built yourself plant propagation system, do so now because you can also use it to root hardwood cuttings over the winter. […]
Shindig Photos 2015
Backyard Nursery – What You Should Be Doing in August
For the person that is just getting started now is a great time to start buying liners to either pot, pot up and resell on Craig’s list, or plant in grow beds to get cuttings from next year. Many sellers have been holding off on placing ads because of the hot weather, I look for […]
What is the Backyard Growers Business Center??????
Hi, Sharon here. I am Mike’s assistant and also an administrator on the Backyard Growers Business Center forums. I thought I would share this dialogue with you to give you an idea about what goes on there. Thanks everyone! July 28, 2015 12:59 am Sarah12417 Member Members Forum Posts: 5 Member Since: June 27, 2015 […]
Shindig at Mike’s Plant Farm 8/8/15
Every year, Mike puts together a shindig at his farm in Perry, Ohio for the members of the Backyard Growers Business Center. Members come from all over the United States to hang out and to buy and sell plants from Mike and others. This is a Members ONLY event, not open to the public. If […]
Why Some Summer Squash Doesn’t Mature
It happens all too often. You’ll see big blossoms on your summer squash plants and tiny little squashes forming behind the blossoms. But after a few days the blossom dries up and the tiny squash shrivels and turns brown. Why does this happen? There are a number of reasons why this may be occurring in […]
My Nursery and Donkey Points
I’ve had some new business cards printed by Vista.com and I have to tell you that they make it very easy to design your own card. Plus they are reasonably priced and have quick service. I set my cards out on the table and people grab them up! My cards have a photo of Pam, […]
Deadhead your flowers to maintain their beauty! What does deadheading mean? Deadheading is simply the process of removing old, faded blossoms from your flowering plants. If the flowers are left to develop seeds, the plant thinks it has accomplished its goal of reproduction and will stop blooming. Deadheading will encourage plants to put their […]
Mike’s Favorite Pruning Shears
We get a lot of emails from our readers. One question often asked is: Which brand of pruning shears does Mikes use? This question is an easy one for me to answer. If you were to swing by the nursery right now, you’d find Mike there in his bib overalls. The way he looks in his […]