Do yourself a huge favor and print this off and keep it near your potting bench. Heck, print off a few copies and hang them where you can see them. January-Mid Winter You can do hardwood cuttings of deciduous plants. Just wait for a day when the ground is not frozen so you can either […]
7 Tips and Tricks to Using Social Media to Advertise for Free!
If you own a business, be it an online business, or backyard nursery, sometimes advertising can be difficult. How do you get your products and/or business name out there? Today more and more people are looking to social media and internet advertising. If you have a limited advertising budget, that’s another reason why it is […]
13 Selling Secrets Every Plant Grower Should Know
I posted this in The Backyard Grower’s Business Center a few days ago. Discussions like this take place here on a daily basis so if you haven’t taken the $7 test drive… you really should. It’ll be the best $7 you’ve ever spent! Here’s the screenshot of my post taken right from the Business Center […]