10 Plants that repel mosquitos
You spend years planning and building your dream backyard patio. Then, as you sit enjoying your backyard, you hear the dreaded buzz of a mosquito as it zips past your ear. What’s a person to do? Do you run back inside your house in fear?
No way! Take back your yard and patio! Here are 10 plants that will discourage these disease carrying, annoying pests from ever bothering you again.
Please note: some of these plants can be crushed up and used with essential oils as sprays. But please test a small area of your skin, or that of your child, before use. While these plants can be very effective, they can also be pretty strong.
Basil (Ocimum americanum).
Want to repel mosquitoes? Plant an herb garden and make sure you put Basil in it. Basil can be used as a spray and is also effective if planted nearby your outdoor living space.
Garlic (Allium sativum).
Once only thought effective for cooking and repelling Vampires., you can also use garlic to repel mosquitoes. Simply cut some up and sprinkle around the area you want to keep the pests from. Or you can crush it and add aromatic oils and use as a spray.
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia).
Lavender is not only pretty and smells good ~ it also helps repel mosquito’s. That’s right. Just plant this as a border or plant pots, filled with this wonderful smelling plant, and place them wherever you like. You can also mix with essential oils and put on your skin for even more protection.
Mexican Marigolds (Tagetes lucida).
While the smell may be fairly offensive to most of us, the smell of these plants, are also offensive to the mosquito. Plant some around your patio, or in your yard, and use them like cut flowers around your deck or patio.
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis).
Not just for chicken anymore. Plant rosemary around your outdoor living space or crush and add to various lotions or sprays.
Lemon Verbena (Aloysia triphylla).
Plant this mosquito repellent near windows or around your backyard living areas. The scent is of fresh lemon and can also be rubbed onto the body.
Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis).
Not only is this a mosquito repellant it is also used as flavoring in herbal teas. Crush up the leaves of Lemon Balm and rub them on your skin to keep those pesky mosquitoes away.
Mint (Mentha).
Not just for tea and desserts anymore. While humans may enjoy the scent and taste of Mint, many insects, including mosquitoes find the smell repulsive. Here is a recipe.
Nodding Onion (Allium cernuum).
This plant has been used by Native Americans for everything from sore throats to repelling mosquitoes. It’s not known to be an irritant of any kind and can be applied directly to the skin.
Snowbrush (Ceonothus velutinus).
I saved this one for last. While I wouldn’t plant this right up against the house, because it’s considered a weed by many, it’s fairly attractive as a border plant on the edge of a property and could be your first line of defense against mosquitoes. No need to crush it up or turn it into a spray. Simply plant this along the border of your yard and it will give the mosquitoes something to think about before they get too close to your house or you and your family.
Is there a plant you use that isn’t on this list? Let us know!
Great information. I am just starting my gardening experience. I love to see things grow.